LJP hereby invite Scholars and Practitioners to submit
research papers for publication
The Journal welcomes submissions of original research,
critical and relevant reviews, methodological papers,
and manuscripts that emphasize theoretical ...
critical and relevant reviews, methodological papers,
and manuscripts that emphasize theoretical ...
Ready to submit your paper
for Publication?
By the time you’re ready to submit your paper to a journal,
there are a lot of things you’ll need to have checked, understood,
and incorporated into your article.
there are a lot of things you’ll need to have checked, understood,
and incorporated into your article.
Lagos Journal of Psychology - Abstracting
and indexing
The journal's articles appear in a wide range of abstracting
and indexing databases, and are covered by numerous
other services, as given in the full list ...
and indexing databases, and are covered by numerous
other services, as given in the full list ...